Monday, December 15, 2008

Fun weekend in Toledo...

Well first before we headed up north we had to get Gavin his 1st haircut and you can see how that went! :) He was not happy to say the least. Gavin hates to be messed with especially by someone he has never met--I may have to learn how to cut hair!
Friday night we had Christmas with Kelly, Jacob and Maddie in Bowling Green. We were able to see Maddie perform at her Christmas show for school and enjoy some play time at their house. Jackson loves Jacob and Maddie--talks about them ALL of the time! Thanks guys for all of the awsome gifts--miss you tons!
My parents are having some trouble with their tub downstairs so the boys had to have baths in the sink--they had a blast! These are two awsome shots of them getting water poured over them by Meme.

Saturday Jackson built some Gingerbread houses with Meme and Papa--had so much fun! Gaving just sat and watched--he did get a few scraps to munch on though. My parents are always thinking of cute things to do with the boys!

Saturday night we all went to Bass Pro Shop where Jackson got to practice his shooting--get ready Josh he may get a bigger buck than you:) Do you notice the color of his bow??? You can tell Josh was not with us.
Where is Jackson?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are ou doing to the poor boy giving him a pink bow?